Premarital Agreements

Practice Area

Protecting The Future Of Both Parties

While we do not recommend  premarital agreements for every couple considering marriage, we do recommend them in cases where one  or both spouses has accumulated assets at the time of the marriage.  A premarital agreement can be designed to address one limited issue – such as offering a business owner spouse protection for his business  – or can be designed to cover a variety of potential divorce issues – such as assets accumulated during marriage, protecting retirement interests, and setting forth whether or not spousal support should be paid upon divorce.

Contact Us

The philosophy behind our practice is let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work. If you’re ready to talk with us and start moving forward, contact our San Diego office.

  • (619) 235-9400
  • Mon - Thu 9.00a-5:00p, Fri 9.00a-3:00p
    (Closed daily 12.00p-1.00p for lunch)
  • Balboa Park Plaza
    3033 Fifth Avenue, Suite 310
    San Diego, CA 92103